Buzzy, No Booze Beverages are a Thing!

With Gen Z leading the pack, the worldwide community is shifting away from alcohol and toward other types of functional beverages.
Moodwagon Helps You Curate a ‘High Night Out’

Moodwagon fires off a quick list of the rules and tools to take with you on the town for a pleasantly elevated evening out.
Playlist: Journey through Space & Time

Our friends at Love Yer Brain helped us put together this playlist that behaves as a soundtrack to psychotropic experimentation.
5 Athletes That Swear By Psychedelics

Learn about 5 legendary athletes who attribute their experience with psychedelics to helping be a stronger and happier person.
The Enchanting Allure of Lavender

Discover the therapeutic, aromatic, and flat-out gorgeous qualities of the abundant and enamored flowering plant, Lavender.
A Batch From Bobrow: Hoochie Coochie Man

Styled like an Indian lassi, this kushy cool-off blends mango puree, Greek yogurt, cannabis-infused rum and crushed coconut water ice.